Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!
Tim,I'm so glad for you too hear that you have recovered that well.
I really love my job as well and I would greatly miss it if something happened like you have been through.

I really like hearing how you like your dsonics,I almost bought a pair a few months back,I had a very good conversation with Mr. Deacon over the phone.But a used pair of bel canto ref600m came up at a good price.I also wanted to try another ncore product without moving too the much more expensive 1200's.

Best of luck to you,

Hi Erik,

I will elaborate at a later time since I lost all 3 pages which I wrote, seriously. But very briefly, I am not asking you to believe anything I say of course! until you hear it. In fact, I don't want anyone to take anything I say as gospel actually.  I wish you can hear it in my system for yourself.  Even then, you might still disagree with me after hearing it, but that is just fine as different people hear different things in the same system and more importantly each listener might consider different aspect of the sound as more or less important. This is what I have alluded to previously when conversing with Kenny. Just so you know.

Hi George,  

"There is no way an Apogee Scintilla will sound anywhere near it's best driven by ANY class-d, and they could just switch off or blow up."

You SEEM  to be knowledgeable about audio but I am truly surprise at some of the statements you just made.  Actually, I have seen your same statement being made at some other discussion as well.  You seem to be all about theoretical stuffs.  So with your statement which I quoted above... So let me be a bit blunt here.  Have you ever own the 1 ohm Apogee Scintillas in the past?   Do you currently own them?  Have you designed an amp of your own design to drive them? Have you heard a class D amp driving the 1 ohm Scintillas?  Have you personally heard an H2O amp driving the 1 ohm Scintillas? and if you did, did the amp blow up? I have the scintillas for about 20+years now. and Yes I have designed amps specifically to drive them.  Conventional discrete transistors pure class A design that is.  Since you mentioned about the big krells, so how about 80watts pure class A amps dissipated 1000watts idle weight 200 pounds with over 1 Farad of  capacitance reserve.  Two 1KVA transformers for the output and twin 250 VA transformers for the front end and makes most Krell and Levinson amp look small. I wish I can post some pictures right here just to show you. Now I am not all about mine is bigger than yours but since you mentioned the Krell Master Reference amp.  Well, I am sure it can hack the 1 ohm Scintillas without sweat.  Krell amps are pretty good in my opinion and many still love them to this day. But then suggesting only those big Krell can drive the Scintillas properly and sound good?  Can drive it! I agree totally no questions! Sounding good? Well that is just a matter of opinion and that is your opinion which is perfect fine. And the same goes for my opinion.  And here is my opinion.  The H2O icepower based amps can put all these big krell and Levinson boat anchors and the likes into shame across the whole audio frequency spectrum.  Talk about dynamic, transparency, extension, Bass power and control, not sterile and one note or bloated bass mind you, midrange liquidity, imaging, staging, composure at loud listening level, subtleties and should I go on???  But remember this is only one man opinion which is mine.  Actually, I know a few Scintillas owners happen to agree.  But still, that is still not the majority.   And as for class D blowing up while driving the 1 ohm Scintillas, Well all I can say is NOPE!!! Not here at least for the 13 years or so while some the big SS boat anchors either blow up and/or going into thermal shutdowns. 



Thanks for asking George that question as I forgot and really very puzzled as to where he got that from.


No reason to get elaborate. Too many words make misunderstandings even easier. :)

I'm just curious if you have measured the electrical frequency response of those amps hooked up to the Scintillas. I'd love to see those charts. :)


Where do you get your data on the Scintillas?
Sorry my bad on the phase, looked at the graph wrong.
But not on the impedance, still 1ohm in the bass, and again it seems from your measurments at 1.3khz, no place for class-D or tubes or Mosfets, they will behave like tone controls or just give up.

"True, you could with some effort, re-wire your Scintillas at home for 4 ohm operation, but with a 6dB loss in voltage-rated sensitivity. At 1 ohm, MC estimated the sensitivity to be 73dB/1W, noting that, ’Consideration also needs to be given to the peak current demand of the Scintilla at 1ohm. Taking an average impedance of 0.9ohms, a Krell KMA-200 on full song will provide up to 60V peak. Assuming minimal cable losses, the Scintillas will draw peak currents of over 60amps. Now you can see why blockbuster amplifiers of Krell current capacity are required for 1ohm working.’"

Cheers George