Need some help putting new system together

I just moved into a 2 bedroom,1.5 bathroom apartment. I would like to do a surround sound system.I already have the 60"Sony SXRD television.I need to buy everything else,receiver,dvd player,and speakers.Since this is an apartment,I do not want to put holes in the wall.The speakers will go on stands.I am not on any type of budget,I have the money to spend. The system will be used for dvd's,music,and videogaming.Can I get some ideas on what to look at? The apartment is about 920 sq feet all together.Thanks for your help
Buy a Von Schweikert set up....VR 1's with their sub and center're in business without spending huge money and get quality speakers to boot.
Wow... how large is your listening room? You might not need a huge system. Assuming you don't...

I'll suggest the EPOS ELS system, and maybe the top of the line Denon receiver. The ELS is about $1500 and the receiver quite a bit more, but has good EQ functions and can do the deed for you if ever you move on and get bigger speakers.

Since money seems no object, I'll suggest Audience Au24 speaker wire.

DVD player - Denon 3910 (or wait till HD-DVD perhaps end of the year).

And maybe the THOR power system by Nordost.

Another possibility in speakers would be the NXT system.

Bob Wood
I second the Von Schweikert route for the speakers. Depending on your interest in music, you could use VR-2 or VR-4JR for fronts instead of VR-1. I have had VSA speakers for HT for a couple of years and they match up and integrate really well. I would suggest research and audition of Arcam, Sunfire, Integra, or Anthem for pre-pro/amp or receiver side of the equation. Denon is a good way to go on the DVD player.
My living room is only 15.5'x 16'. I was actually looking into the Von Schweikert System 10 Theater Package.Do they make stands for the TS150 surrounds?