Thanks Bob
I did receive some additional info from HSG and checked into some other suggestions. I now beleive the problem is static electricity reeking havoc on the AVP2. It is the first time I have had this problem with any audio component. It's winter and the room is somewhat dry (40%) humidity and the room is carpeted. If I rub my foot on the carpet several times and touch the AVP 2 the LED's flicker for a split second and the unit jumps to the menu setup. It has even switched modes. Can a light dose of static electricity damage the unit ? I never received a shock or a saw a spark flash. Ever hear of this problem.
I did receive some additional info from HSG and checked into some other suggestions. I now beleive the problem is static electricity reeking havoc on the AVP2. It is the first time I have had this problem with any audio component. It's winter and the room is somewhat dry (40%) humidity and the room is carpeted. If I rub my foot on the carpet several times and touch the AVP 2 the LED's flicker for a split second and the unit jumps to the menu setup. It has even switched modes. Can a light dose of static electricity damage the unit ? I never received a shock or a saw a spark flash. Ever hear of this problem.