Clarity Cap CMR Impressions

Wondering if anyone has updated their passive crossover with the Clarity Cap CMR.
I'd like to hear how they compare to the MR and comparable competition. I saw some threads on the MR but not these.

I havd been molding caps and Xover parts for almost 20 years now.
I just replaced thd Mundorf supreme for the by mids . Thd new CMŔ are much 
Cleaner then  the Mundoff  supreme, even with a .1 Mundorf Silver oil.they are rated have over 160 hours I on them they have  and they are Noticably better then what I knew with old Mr caps. These caps  are special very nice baLance.
These  caps  present thd performance which us as good as Jupiter's best or Mundorf without bring too much as Good thjng. These CMR caps rate at 
Least a 12+ in my system much less $ than the top names but not in performsnce.
What does seem to be consistent in my current listening trials is the CMR breathes a lot better than the MR.

I know it's a weird thing to say, but if you have heard GOOD high efficiency speakers you'll have an idea of what I mean. The top end just sounds like it was slightly congested before and now has completely opened up.

Hopefully this quality lasts through the break-in. :)



Good info! I've been lusting after the Jupiter Cu foil, but man, about 5-7x more expensive, far too rich for me even as prototypes.


so you compared cmr aganist supreme silver oil or normal supreme ?
if i understand right after 160 hours cmr are better than mr, right ?
because i listened the same thing of erik: in the highs freq cmr are congested
how many hours do you suggest to start linsten the cmr ?
please explain beter, thank you 

you say that now the cmr top end is opened up, not congested as before.
are you sure ?, how many hours are burned the cmr
Audio...see the time stamps on my posts..

i wont have a final assessment for a week or su until i rebuild bith sides.