Pass Labs

$85.000 & 65.000 Amps  The extreme high gone nuts
Most make fun of these seemingly ludicrous prices but the irony of it all is generally the more expensive the XXX - fill in the blanks, the longer is the waiting line, unless you're willing to pay for the markup. See how long will you need to wait to get those puppies in your dedicated super duper dedicated listening room even if you have the $85K cash in hand. 
Not sure how creating an air of exclusivity by limiting supply is ironic. I missed it.
It's always those who can't and never will who piss and whine about those who can.

If there's a market, why not?  Oh that's right -- because the Entitlement Nation can't tolerate others having what they can't have.  While they expect others to give them what they could never obtain themselves.

Oh boo hoo.

Bully to Pass and all who satisfy the needs of the few who deserve the best.
Those who deserve the best find it comes to them. Everyone else just spends a lot of cash.