Geoffkait: "nothing can provide 100% isolation at 5Hz"
Georgehifi: "Did I say total Isolation, NO!"
Geoffkait: "So, what did you mean to say, 1% isolation? 10% isolation? That’s why it was misleading when you stated isolation down to 5 Hz. Capish?"
Georgehifi: "And neither can anything else, there is airborne feed back from speakers that also comes into it short of putting the equipment in another room this is the hardest one to eliminate, also if you have tubes that are micro-phonic, then your up a creek without a paddle."
Geoffkait: "Uh, one said anything else can provide 100% isolation at 5 Hz. Everybody knows almost all REAL isolation devices are low pass filters. Putting the equipment in another room is not going to be 100% effective since the entire building is shaking. Hel-loo! Furthermore, airborne vibration from most speakers doesn’t go down below 25 Hz, anyway, so you can forget about it. Besides all tubes are microphonic, even the ones marketed as "low microphonic." Hel-loo!"