Sellers Beware!!!


I am wondering if anyone else here noticing the latest trend on Audiogon. I have been approached by buyers in Vietnam to buy my listings. I have gotten at least dozen offers in last month or so, they are pretending to be US based buyers, with US address and do not disclose their actual location until you have accepted the offer.  I have already declined two confirmed offers as soon as I figured out their true identity. The US address being provided on Audiogon is either a local business shop run by Vietnamese native or a 'friend' address. I googled the address and called the local address listed on Audiogon. It turns out to be small business shop and the owner had no idea about the sale or the product he is about to receive in next 2-3 days. 

The icing on the cake, the buyer gets bent of shape when you point out these last minute surprises and then try shift the blame on us that we are not very 'trusting'. Go figure! 

I am outlining some of the things that were common in my dealings, 

1. Broken English (sorry no offense)
2. 12-14 hour delay between communications
3. Start off with low ball offer and then agrees to pay within 10-15% off of your asking price
4. Unusual delay in receiving payments, they tend to apologize profusely and blame PayPal for delay
5. They will ask you to 'absorb' PayPal fee due higher percentage charged by PayPal on intl. transfers
6. Negative, neutral or no feedback
7. The address in their Audiogon profile will be either in west cost (CA) or east coast (NY). 

This thread is not intended to target a certain race or nationality, the sole purpose of this thread is to create awareness against the 'sneaky' buyers. I welcome all buyers, domestic or international and wish them a hassle free buying and selling experience on Audiogon. 

I have sold speaker to a Vietnam buyer. Deal went through very well. Apprently he had a friend in the states who does the payment on his behalf. If you don't mind me asking what does he call him self on the emails?
Amen harold .
Many professional soldiers, which I once was, consider Mannerheim and Company to have done the greatest feat of arms in modern times .
To include a Soviet Major I used to sit next to at East Berlin Opera !
schubert, you are absolutely right. Mannerheim is our national hero, recognized by all kinds of political wings, even some extremist communists, Stalinists. His feat for end the Civil War in spring 1918 is another heroic achievement and to save national independence in between hostilities between Germans and SU. Finland´s forte ever since has been neutrality and with God´s blessing will be till the end of time.
I much appreciate your knowledge and intelligence.