High mass vs Low Mass Turntables - Sound difference?

As I am recently back playing with analog gear after some 15 years away, I thought I would ask the long time experts here about the two major camps of record players -- high vs low mass-loaded-type tables...

For example, an equivalently priced VPI table (say a Classic, Aries or Prime) versus a Rega RP8/10 or equivalent Funk Firm table...  the design philosophies are so different ... one built like a tank, the other like a lightweight sports car...

Just wondering if the folks here have had direct experience with such or similar tables, and what have been your experiences and sense of strengths and weaknesses of these two different types of tables.

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Geoffkait " What a load of hooey."
Wow, is that the pot calling the kettle black.

+1 My experience exactly. Geoffkait doesn’t seem to know what "plastic" is and that Vinyl and acrylic are forms of plastic. He clearly thinks that the  majority of light weight turntables are made from something other than plastics. The amount of "hooey" on audiogon seems be directly proportional to Geoffkait activity.
Another stalker joins the party. Make that two stalkers. Shadorne has a little difficulty with reading comprehension or so it would appear. Of course he might be pretending to be slow, it's difficult to say for sure.


I didnt do nothing. Just responded to your ignorant post that was "stalking" my initial post.
Shadow, grow up and find someone else to stalk. There are no high end low mass turntables made of plastic. That would be pretty stupid. Just admit you were wrong and move along.