Just Rec'd the OPPO DVD player today

having sold my Denon 5900 over the weekend in order to downsize an home office video system, I ordered the Oppo Dvd player....

first impressions, this was not really a downsize, the Oppo has amazing picture quality, and the audio (I am using COAX out of the OPPO into a Timbre TT1 DAC) is equally impressive.

they appear to be backordered for new units, so I picked up a Refurb unit at 20% off or $160. ...this thing has to be the biggest steal on the market.

FYI< they do currently have additional Refurbs available now ..
Toysnob-----at the time I purchased mine, they were backordered on the New units are were only selling Refurbs, their stock may have changed now...

Tickfight---I run mine into a Timbre TT1 outboard DAC, so I am not able to comment about its audio quality,..

as a transport? the thing is pretty flimsy, I would assume there are better choices for use as a transport.
Does anybody see any reason to have separate units for recording and normal playback, or is it fine to use one unit for both tasks (as I suspect it should be, just making sure)?
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Reference Audio Mods is offering a major mod to the Oppo universal player, for whatever that's worth.