Acurus Act 3 vs Lexicon Processor

Looking for a processor for HT only that I will pass through my preamp into my cary cinema 5 amp. Want 0 noise. Would like to spend $500 or less so the above fit nicely. Opinions?
I have the Lexicon DC-1 and would recommend it. It's great sounding, has all I need. DTS, DD, and Lexicon's Logic 7 - which is actually really nice. It's also dead quiet.

I can't compare it the Act 3.
The Act 3, unfortunately, stock, ISN'T a dead quite unit, no. It is a tad noisy, but not as noisy as others. It's got about a 90db signal to noise. Others I've had are around 96 or higher...which is better.
I've never had a problem at all with the Act 3's I've owned, and would continue to use them in a pinch for cheaper, quality/superb sounding 5.1 pre's. I wouldn't however own ANY LEXICON! I've sold em over the years, heard em in many many systems, and they're very "plain vanilla" digital sounding pre's IMO. Not so musical, a bit sterile, and I definitely wouldn't use em in a high end 2 channel system on their own, that's for certain! Again, this is my experience.
If you simply want "wiz-bang" surround stearing and processing, and overall quality of sound isn't so critical, the Lex is good. If you need more refined sound, even the old ACT 3 punishes the sound quality of the Lexicon stuff! I say this from years of experience with both brands.
I have an ACT 3 that was moded by the factory however, that's extrememly quite, if almost dead quite from the speakers! It's upgraded to 24/192 dac's and such, 7.1 channel pass through, direct analog in's for all inputs, bass managment, DPLII (at least as good as Logic 7 on Lex). But then something like that's a bit more money used.
However, if you need dead quiet, you'r leaning more towards the Lexicon between that and the standard stock Act 3. Personally, I'd look elsewere
"Personally, I'd look elsewhere?" Where would you look. Again, I only need the processor for HT, music is handled elsewhere.