Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!

This an open forum, that gives opinions from both sides of the fence, just as is happening at the "Class-D =Trash" thread, nobody has the right to dictate which side everyone should listen to, last time I checked this site wasn't run by communists. 

Cheers George
Post removed 


From a historical point of view, your statement has value. In olden days, let us say about 10 years ago, ICEpower modules taken by temselves produced the kind of sound, which were not particularly musical. There were in those days several examples of ultra-basic implementation of ICE that did not sound particularly attractive. THe same modules, however, used by amp designers with a modicum of amp design knowledged yielded extremely musical amplifiers.... I already mentioned the Bel Canto REF1000 Mk.2 and the Rowland M312 as examples. It is my understanding that more recent versions of ICEpower modules do not share the problems of the olde ones. 

I did not know about ICEEDGE.... I'll try to find out about it.

Your statement about ICEpower benefitting from linear power supplies is, a little tunnel-visioned... In the following sense.

ICEpower modules, as much as class D modules from other makers, often integrated their own power supplies, or have companion ready-to-go SMPS for those amp implementors who want to create simpler amps at a lower cost.

Most of these modules however, can be powered by power supplies of other origins, they be linear, toroidal, SMPS, or perhaps other types. Invariably, some of these supplies are very good, and some might not be. A good designer with knowledge of power supply design is able to enhance his class D amplifier with a custom supply..... I believe that Henry Ho has long term experience using linear supplies, with all reports pointing to great results... Rowland has been using custom SMPS for the last 15 years at least with equally great results. In the end, the type of power supply does not matter, provided it is sinergistic with the module, and truly enhances the musical experience.

Regards, G.

Hello all,
Each individual component of a class d amp,the pwr supply,the input module or board,and Offcourse the class d module brand,work together in a synergistic way in the end result.

It's all up to the amp designer and the implementation of mentioned components,all 3 amps that I own are slightly different.

If you look at the other classes of solid state amps,the above mentioned matters to their design as well.
Class d amps have come a long way and will continue to improve as time goes by,which is true with any newer technology.

Thanks @wtf I appreciate it, I had not noticed who that thread starter was, but I could tell the attitude was that of a brawler.

Re: ICEedge There are probably already products out there with this technology we just don't know about them yet. From B&O's point of view I think the main focus is on custom power and integration into receivers, all-in-ones, etc. not really us uber-audio-geeks who want to be seduced with stories of custom capacitors with dielectrics made from the excretion of a rare Himalayan beetle. :)

Honestly doing digital right is not easy, which is why Pascal, Hypex and B&O have been so successful. I think that in the high end, manufacturers are going to have to get VERY lucky to find talent who can bring on enough experience and insight to complement it.

This is all pre-game BS though. :) Can't wait to see what the future holds.
