Bryston BDA-2 Or Yggdrasil Help

Please would like some input on two particular Dacs, I am currently running a Parasound ZdacV.2 which is very nice but I got the itch and I wanted to step up the ante so I am looking at Schiist Yggy and the Bryston BDA-2.  Yggdrasil also has a lot hype around it as being the total DAC lots Buzz on the net on the Yggdrasil any input.

Bryston is Canadian! Canada is England! British electronics always demands respect! Your pocketbook and how exotic! 
Electronics like cars! The more exotic, the more expensive! Exotic doesn't always mean better! My vote! Bryston!
Would be be big surprise in Ottawa to know they were in England.
Go Senators !!
I made a couple of small errors.

SOME Shiit DACs use proprietary "upsampling" (not oversampling) which they call "Adapticlock."

I have only heard this version. :)
