I agree with audio_d. Why add a component, along with ICs and connectors, in the signal path of a cartridge with a very low output voltage, when that is completely unnecessary? But should you insist upon doing it, you would run the output from the SUT into the MM or low phono gain inputs of your ARC phono stage, assuming it has provision for high output cartridges. In other words, if you use a SUT, you treat the LOMC cartridge as if it was an HOMM type. Thus, you would bypass the FET gain stage that others have mentioned. Not only do you not need to use a SUT, but also if you do insert a SUT, then you need to concern yourself with the quality of the SUT itself, a whole new can of worms. Not all SUTs sound alike, let alone "good". Furthermore, the high-ish internal resistance of the Benz is another good reason not to do this, or at least not to assume you will like what you hear. Highs will likely be rolled off due to the impedance mismatch, which is not a coloration you want to impose on a Benz.