Will you be going to see YES or YES this summer?

ARW has now taken on the name YES, which IMO, is the way it should be. Jon and Chris (RIP) were the founding members, so I say if Jon is playing Yes music, he has every right to the name. Especially with Rick in the band. So now that this discussion is open, which Yes will you be going to see? This is an easy one for me, the one with Jon Anderson as the lead singer.
I don't quite understand your comment. Treveo Rabin is with AWR, and playing some of his own solo stuff as well, so why wouldn't you want to see them? 
I have center orchestra seats seventh row to see YES in September at the Fraze Pavilion! Very excited to see them one more time.
Yes went away with Chris Squire. Jon Anderson is the only original member there. Peter Banks/Tony Kaye era Yes is the best.
Peter and Chris thanks for the wonderful music. RIP
For the sake of this thread, maybe we can refer to Anderson,Rabin, and Wakeman as ARW.  Tom6897- I assume you are referring to the John Davidson, Howe, Downes, Sherwood, Alan White version of YES?  (-: