Pass Labs

$85.000 & 65.000 Amps  The extreme high gone nuts
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Audio starts with music. Without music there is no audio. But without audio there is still music.

Music always will be the most important part to buy audio. That is why the focus should be more regarding on how music sounds in real and how it being projected in space.

When we take a look to audio in general in many situations audio sounds so much different than the music sound in real.

What are the most common limitations?

First of all the sound in many sitations is a lot different than how music sounds in real. The biggest limitations these days is the lack of diversity in sound. This are all the layers from the lowest till the highest frequencies.

When I ask to people who also work in audio if they have an idea how instruments and voices sound and being formed as a shape during listening? Most don’t know. So my questions is; what are you selling?

They say; we let other people choose there own sound and system. Because we are learned that audio is a matter of personal taste.

Now I am aware that this is not the truth and the truth is totally different than people think it is.

What is the most important part of music? That is the emotion it owns. So you need to understad how the emotion works for us human beings. When I ask again to people who also work in audio how the emotion of us humans work and when we can feel it?

Most don’t know. Again I ask the question to these people; what do you sell? And how do you sell audio?

We let people choose their audio system themselves. Because we believe (audioblindness, based on the fact that we believe what ’others’ said to us) it is a personal matter.

When you don’t know how music, instruments and voices sound, how for God sake you will choose your personal audio system?

When we audition systems in audioshops, at audioshows or at the studio of a distributer almost all sets are incomplete based on what we call Tru-Fi.

This means based on facts that these systems all miss essential parts which are needed to create a realistic sound and stage like in real.

Systems which people choose by personal trial&error are almost always incomplete. And we can easilly explain in parts that their systems are incomplete. And by Tru-Fi we add parts whih are missing.

I never met a person who said to me; I prefer my own incomplete sound stage. What we do is, we make their systems more complete.

This means we add essential parts which influences our emotion. Because we work by the human emotion and what we can hear.

Almost all systems bought and created by trial&error are 2-dimensional. But in real music is being played in a 3-dimensional stage. When we audition most systems at audioshows, shops and at distributers the stage is flat till about 1 metre in depth.

Only when you understand the DNA/properties a loudspeaker owns you know which properties you need to reveal all the different properties a loudspeaker owns.

We sell only Monitor Audio in a physical 3-dimensional sound. This makes these speakers outperform their competitors. But when we look at shops, shows and the distributer the stage is 2-dimensional in almost each single situation.

This proofs that trial&error never will be able to reveal all the properties out of the Monitor Audio. It is like you play at the level of about 25% of the 100% it could create.

I play with Pass Labs since 2009. I owned different monos and poweramps ever since. I focussed on the DNA of Pass labs to use them maximum. Based on Tru-Fi, it is very easy that is misses an essential part of Tru-Fi.

Even when you use their poweramps and pre amps togheter, it is very easy to explain and proof that individual focus of voices and instruments is not as intimate and shaped as in real.

I owned the Pass labs XP-20 for about 2 years. It is a good pre amp, but not a stunning one like many of their poweramps are. This is based on the fact that when you use a pre amp which is able to create a stunning intimate physical stage with the right proportion of instruments and voices you will get a higher level in realism and also in emotion with any Pass Labs poweramp.

You cannot compare a Pass Labs with a Parasound. Based on the fact that most Pass Labs amps are able to reveal more diversity in the middle frequencies. It will make the music so much more emotional and intense.

I learned to distract all the properties of each single part of an audio system. This made me use Pass Labs so much more effective. When you are able to understand the advantages and limitations of a Pass Labs poweramp you can make it complete to use the properties which are missing out of other parts in your system.

We only work by properties. For example the Monitor Audio Platinum II can reveal more details and information than other brands could give us.

Their techniques and properties give us a huge 3-dimensional stage. With a life like physical intimate presentation of instruments and voices. As a bonus we also can let people hear more easy diversity in height of voices and instuments in particular.

I reveal properties out of cables, poweramps, pre amps, sources any many accessoires for audio. It is my goal to create the highest level in quality out of any loudspesker.

When you create your system by personal trial&error you have no idea which properties you use. Thst is why we call trial&error audiogambling.

You try things out and bring in other parts like cables, sources and many orther parts. When I ask a simple question to the people who work by trial&error they understand that it is ineffective and just one big gamle.

When I ask to all people who work like me for about 20 years in audio: Which properties do you take out when you take this loudspeaker, amp, source or cable out of your system? And which properties do you bring in when you chnage it by this loudspesker, amp, source or cable?

The aswer is; I don’t know. This proofs that they have no idea why the stage and sound is what we hear. And that is why trail&erro is so ineffective to create the best sound possible.

The facts show and proof that a system chosen by trail&error is not the right way.

I have to admit that a client of mine made my aware in januari 2016 that audio is not a personal taste and that I proved this to him. It took my time to understand what he meant.

Now we can proof it very easily and that it gives audio a different perspective. I can assure you that this way many of you can create a higher level in quality and emotion than you know now.

Coal is dead. Have you seen what mountaintop mining does? And scrubbers in coal plants do not remove the CO2. That is a huge problem with coal. Natural gas is immensely more environmentally friendly than coal. 

Also, the natural gas boom will kill coal. It really won't be the green sector. The green sector and natural gas extraction will and do provide way more jobs than coal ever will. Coal extraction is so mechanized, the need for workers will never be what it was.

I'm for making economic decisions based on data, not emotion. The data does not support coal.
To add to your points bpd24  George H W Bush had to renege on his "read my lips" pledge by raising taxes to pay for the savings and loan debacle brought about by eliminating some of the regulatory policies of the Reagan (or is it Regan)  administration. His economic policies truly represented fiscal responsibility and he sure paid the price for it unlike the ones that promise everything that they can't possibly deliver. Not to bash Reagan but the "trickle down" economic policies certainly created growth as it generated more capital but it wasn't offset by spending cuts or raising tax revenues to offset the deficit. The new mantra was deficits don't matter as long as the GDP grows enough to offset the deficits, it's all "relative".

Well actually Reagan DID have to raise taxes as his initial tax cuts were too severe and the deficit exploded. When Jimmy Carter left office, not to use him as a shining beacon of anything, the budget deficit was 69 billion. But there is one thing he did leave, a solar water system on the White House roof that was symbolic of what he saw as America's future, alternative energy development. Reagan in his first act of symbolic contempt towards alternative energy was to remove the collector or why else would he have done it?

So there is no hero in this continuing saga. One thing for certain though, up to the Obama administration there was some degree of civility it not total agreement on issues. In the current atmasphere compromise is a poisonous word to a politician. I certainly hope that the democrats don't get into a quid pro quo with the "just say no" Republican Congress starting in 2010 did or else  we'll  all get what's  coming and most likely deserve. Let's ALL hope that this "tax plan" of the current administration can be refined to meet the needs of our collective nation rather than represent, what I see happening to a greater extent, the gradual phasing in of a plutocracy bought and paid for by rich special interests. As the middle class shrinks more and more this will likely be the outcome. And God forbid if laws only require a majority vote to pass in the Senate! If that happens as it did with the Supreme Court pick it is clear to me that we'll have to sink considerably more before the wake up call sounds off. The scary part of that scenario is how much more damage?

A revamping of our educational system  and retraining is the long term answer and it needs to be funded and paid for by tax payer funds, we all need to pay for it!  But in the current climate of "what have you done for me today" it is a tough sell. After all, when you can't make ends meet from one day to the next, why should it? People just want to see a brighter future and while it seems the current AND may I add last President wants to deliver, lets hope his understanding grows beyond what he has demonstrated some of us to date, time will tell.  Real change will necessarily come from the grass roots of this country. Wake up and be counted people and quit complaining, DO SOMETHING!

PS  " bdp24 not picking on you in any way and I am not dem or rep just a person who understands economic polices and and has studied economics, budgets, etc,. that the government indicates on its website."

.....and Paul Krugman the liberal Nobel prize winning economist doesn't understand? Don't know what your point is bigkidz. Having said that I agree totally with you regarding pricing in a business, things that consumer's often don't take into consideration. So far as 150K amps and 500K speakers, it really has nothing to do with me as I certainly am quite unfamiliar with this industry and the cost of things as you are but one thing I can do is :).  The new business model and more of what's to come maybe?