I have been searching for this uber rare GLANZ cartridge since mid 80´s as I missed my opportunity to purchase one when it was for sale back in the day. I knew its reputation as one of finest cartridges available but I just missed it, young and foolish I was. In the same price category, I bought SHURE V-15V-MR instead.

Now thirty years later I owe one, NOS found in a barren town near the Arctic Circle. It sounds just fantastic out of the box. I am very lucky as this model is so seriously rare.
I know a person who has bought glanz cards from ebay and happy about purchase from this japanese seller, they are nos, but without boxes in a bulk stock.
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I just hit the buy it now on the Glanz 610 . I hope the suspension is still good . I think the Japanese end of vinyl era cartridges are some of the best made . I will compare it to my Nagaoka jewel tone JT-R 3 Ribbon

@enginerd1960 Great, if this model is equal to the earlier and mega rare MFG 61 then it's absolutely amazing cartridge.   
Anyone know anything about the Glanz Azzurra Esoter MF also available on eBay?  
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