I have been searching for this uber rare GLANZ cartridge since mid 80´s as I missed my opportunity to purchase one when it was for sale back in the day. I knew its reputation as one of finest cartridges available but I just missed it, young and foolish I was. In the same price category, I bought SHURE V-15V-MR instead.

Now thirty years later I owe one, NOS found in a barren town near the Arctic Circle. It sounds just fantastic out of the box. I am very lucky as this model is so seriously rare.
It’s on ebay right now along with many other glanz and astatic cartridges (NOS) from the same seller. He’s got multiply stock and actually it’s on ebay for a long time (unsold). So the hype is over?

61 is the best Glanz so far, special stylus tip and cantilever material makes this model superior over the others. 

I've noticed that Mitachi made their cartridges even for Jamo and they are branded Jamo. 
My adventures in the land of snow and ice are quite different to another seeker´s, my dear old friend. Long ago in the Russian hills, near the Arctic Tundra, a famous pole explorer Father Tiresias found the regal Hogweed by a marsh. He captured it and brought it home. But that is another story, and not quite a happy one like mine.
The old man from whom I acquired the cartridge said " We must keep this place in secret", and he gave me his last spare cartridge and vanished into snow flurry. I will never reveal his hiding place.

Oh yes, I have known that Japanese site for a long time but I´m not quite sure if it´s a true NOS.  That´s why I bought a genuine one.
Anyway, whatever the case, I strongly advice to grab on those while they are available. 
I know a person who has bought glanz cards from ebay and happy about purchase from this japanese seller, they are nos, but without boxes in a bulk stock.
Post removed 

I just hit the buy it now on the Glanz 610 . I hope the suspension is still good . I think the Japanese end of vinyl era cartridges are some of the best made . I will compare it to my Nagaoka jewel tone JT-R 3 Ribbon

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