Ry Cooder recommendation...

My knowledge of his work has never been more than his participation on Safe As Milk...but I recently heard a performance at some folk festival from 1979 on the radio & it was just him playing a slide guitar.
Can anyone recommend an album of the same stripped back style ? 

Here you go. Down at the Field-1974 broadcast where he played to an audience of 200 in Denver. I would say that’s about as stripped down as you will get. Solo.
You can You Tube Terry Evans and Hans Theessink featuring Ry. Two albums, great recordings, spooky real. Delta Time has Ry on it.

He was in an early band with Taj Mahal and Ed Cassidy (drummer with Spirit - Randy (California) Woolf's stepfather.  Not sure if the LP is still available.
Ry was also the original guitarist in Captain Beefhearts Magic Band, on their first album. I believe he was all of 18!
Yes indeed he was - 'Safe As Milk' - great album. 
Although the best Beefheart album is Doc At The Radar Station. 
Yup, that's a good one infection. I think it was on the tour in support of that album that I saw him live in '78, at The Roxy Theater on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood. Nobody even remotely like him, though Tom Waits tries ;-).