Break In Experiences with Anti-Cables level 2.1 speaker cables?

Just looking for any other user info on Anti-Cables level 2.1 speaker cables
Too cut a long story short, all of my previous speaker cables were always bought used so I guess already well broken in. After buying a short pair of anticables used for my ht rig and hearing very good improvement I stumped up for a pair of brand new direct from Anticables 15ft level 2.1 speaker cables
These replaced a set of AudioQuest cables
At first I really heard no difference so just though oh well, not a lot of money spent so no big deal.
However as the week progressed they changed, oh how they changed!
Vocals have faded into the background, low to mid bass is now bloated and booming and just, well horrible is best description.
I am sincerely hoping this is just a phase in the "break in" process and this will clear and all will be at least as good as previous.
As a simple near solid copper wire I truly did not expect such a startling change.
Nothing else has been changed in my setup at all, just the addition of these cables.
Does anybody else have experience with these cables and their break in process?
Just took a look at a few other forums on the Anticables products and it would appear that they do have a high capacitance as Almarg suspected. Nice catch Al :-)

High current solid state designs do not like high capacitance speaker cables, it caused the amp to osculate and can actually be driven to destruction. Happened to a friends Ayre amp. (ouch!)

The BAT VK600SE amp looks like a high current design, so i would play it safe and return them for something more suitable.

Look for cables with a capacitance of around 30pF/meter - the Van den hul D352 comes to mind.

My Naim amp has the same problem - but the Van den Hul D352 worked great with it


I was using top of the line (don't remember the number) silver anti's  I thought they were ok until I installed Clear Cables.....C/C is better by far in my system.....the same basic sonic presentation as top of the line Wireworld.
Thought I would just update this thread.
After perusing eBay and seeing a pair of van den hul d352 cables for sale, right length and right price thought I would buy them to test.
The next day I called Anticables to organise return for the cables and found my self talking to Paul Spelz himself and a true gent he is as well!
While he readily agreed to take them back and issue a refund he had a few suggestions that I could try if I wished as he was now not going to hold me to a strict 30 day return window as he had spoken to me. And as he said the ref 2.1 were engineered for more bass so I was likely suffering from a surfeit of bass causing it to sound muddied.
No problem and hey I may learn something in the process.
First thing I did was something I had been meaning to do for a while, place 15x15x2 maple blocks under each speaker with spikes coupling them to the carpet underneath.
This did indeed tame the bass somewhat and I could now hear plucked bass notes distinctly.
A little more fiddling with placement and toe in gave even better control but now I felt some of the sparkle that my Focal 826v have always had was dulled somewhat.
A bit of thinking made me realise that as the tweeters are right at the top of these speakers and I had now effectively raised them 2 1/2 inch placed them a fair bit above my ears at normal seated listening position.
Tweaking the spikes on the bottom of the speakers to angle them down towards my listening position gave me near sonic nirvana!
Imaging and prescense are outstanding, vocals and acoustic guitar are stunning, yes the bass may still be a tad overblown but I have not even tried the van den hul cables yet as still waiting for them to arrive.
But I am vastly improved from my starting point and a few good lessons learned on just basic speaker adjustments.