"Whatya mean, you can't hear the difference?!"
Well, let's see... Since my spouse claims that either I can't hear some things at times, balanced out by claims that I'm hearing things, I've come to the conclusion that my grip on reality (whatever It is) has loosened a tad. There are days that I'm quite happy with that observation, given current thought that we're existing in a holographic universe or next to a parallel one that's running backwards. But then I'm confronted by the claims that all that we read is 'fake', which on occasion is what I'd prefer anyway.
Now...I suspect that my experience isn't unique...or I'd prefer to delude self with that conception, if only for personal amusement and id/ego management protocols. Which leads me to some interesting conclusions about 'life' in the abstract, and high end audio in the specific...
Which, if y'all have not passed out or passed on this little novella, ought to have lit the comprehension lightbulb as to my slant on the humour previously presented:
You bought it. You like it.
I will be diplomatic about it if I can't hear it.
If pressed, I will be truthful, IMHO about what that might be.
Try not to take it as an attack.
Please return the favor.
Anyway....back to today's cartoon....;)