A year ago, I bought a pair of MMGs.  In my 13x22 room, placement was a challenge but finally worked it out.

Speakers are powered by an Adcom GFA-555.  The only source is a CD player through a passive pre-amp.

Now I have a little more to spend and would like thoughts on the following options:

1) Mye stands for the MMGs

2) The DWM panel with the MMGs (secondary question - can this panel be placed on a side wall perpendicular to the MMGs?)

3) 1.7s

Open to other out-of-the-box suggestions as well.

The goal is always to attain that Magnepan soundstage.  Musical tastes are female vocalists, jazz, blues.
I don't know if I would venture into 3.3 territory, Maggies that old are bound to have delamination issues.  Just as an FYI - John does not recommend any .7 Maggies, at least not if the long term goal is to have them modded.  He explains in detail on his website why.  I am not going to agree or disagree, I have not listen to .7 or 1.7. 

randy-11 - MDF will absorb a little bit of vibration, but nowhere near enough.  I used to built sub boxes for car audio for years out of various types of MDF, so I am familiar with the material.  Take a stock Maggie, say a 12, turn it up to fairly loud level, and feel the frame.  You'll feel very little vibration, it will feel disproportional to the volume.  Try the same with a gunned Maggie, and you'll feel quite a bit more vibration on the wooden frame.  Natural wood dissipates vibrations far better.
I think the choice between the .7, the 1.7 and the 3.7 aside from the cost and budget is the size of your room and adjoining open space. My listening room is 14' W x 24' L with a vaulted ceiling and an additional 12' x 12' adjoining, open dining area off to the left. The 1.7s seem to be a perfect fit in my space. I have considered upgrading to the 3.7i, but in my space, maybe a bit more than needed and several thousand more dollars.
The set up mentioned by ps is very close to what have. With the tweeter sections to the outside and toed in very slightly, the image stays very stable and on stage. Even if you aren't sitting dead center in the sweet spot, vocals remain center stage and instruments stay where they belong - kind of nice when sharing the couch with someone else not to have to draw straws for the sweet spot.
Gotta agree with ps, mostly hyperbole, I think. Over the years I've had and auditioned many very nice and some very expensive speakers; some of my very favorites being my old Quad ESL 63s and the Apogee Duetta II Sigs. I will always have a love for electrostats and ribbons. Right now, I am most happy with the 1.7s 
"ps, how’d you characterize the differences between the MMG and the .7? Just curious."

As many have said, the MMG’s are one heck of a speaker for the money and otherwise. I surely agree. The same can be said for the .7’s, which, for me, are a considerable improvement. Sound stage is larger, especially side-to-side, with greater detail, clarity, a bit more depth, and better, more "effortless" bass response.  I feel no need to augment them with subwoofers.

Overall, there is simply, for me, more "planar magic." I also found the .7’s easier to set up than the MMGs. As we all know, much in this wonderful, crazy hobby of ours is YMMV. In this case, I do think one gets what one pays for, and then some. Kudos to Magnepan, a great American speaker company.

I’m very pleased.

I went through the Magnapan stage about 10 years ago, loved them and miss them. I had MMG’s, MG3A’s and 3.6’s with Mye stands. I used a BK 7220 with the BK preamp that had a passive mode. It worked well. You can find those amps for about 500 or less. Then I went with Khartago mono’s, a step up, then moved on to PASS X250 (The beast) with quality.

I saw here on A-gon the Nakamichi PA7, which is a PASS/Threshold amp for about $775, that’s a great amp and when you have time you can send it to someone to freshen up.

Then I would recommend moving up the Magnepan line .7 or the 1.7’s. Don’t buy old speakers unless your willing to re-glue them or send them back to the factory. get serial numbers and call the factory for age. If its less than 5 years your Ok.

Just my thoughts....enjoy

the DWMs need to be placed closer to you and further from the wall than the main speakers

I agree - get 0.7 or 1.7 - see if a dealer is near you to listen and for a home trial; call Maggie and beg them to extend the free home trial from them direct if no dealer nearby.

While on the phone see if you can talk to Wendell - see if he sighs or laughs when you mention big stands or maple surrounds.

Don't get caught up in the woo-woo - besides, you will spend plenty of time moving them around in the room...