Esoteric F-05 Integrated - any opinions?

I was wondering if anyone has heard the newly-released amp from Esoteric.  There does not seem to be any reviews on the internet (that I can find).
Ag insider logo xs@2xgreginnh
My F-05 just arrived yesterday. At first hour of running, the sound quality was not better than my previous pre-amp/power-amp system, which cost only 1/3 of F05. I was worried my wife will not notice any upgrade.

After few hours of running, F-05 performed better and better. Even my wife is not sensitive at sound quality she still can feel improvement.

Originally, my target was Accuphase E-470, but the dealer I visited have no E-470 for demo. They introduced me F-05 and MBL C51.

Since I have no chance to audit E-470 and I read this review......

Thank you greginnh. I am very satisfied with F-05.
Congrats on the new acquisition!  I am glad that you and your wife are happy with the F-05.  It's a great integrated amp and for the money, there are few others than can compete when considering all the built in features it has!  You should continue to see slight improvements in sound quality over the next 50 hours or so.  This amp also responded very well to experimenting with different power cords!
My F-05 have run 36 hours.  It is quite warm on the front top and has some smell out after continuously running of 24 hours.   Now there is no more strange smell.  

I am currently using two Oyaide gpx-r power cords for both PS Audio P5 and Esoteric F-05. I still have few more power cords / signal cables for experiment. 

One of the motivations for my upgrading to new amp is the using of XLR cables.  My previous amps accept only RCA cables.  I connected both RCA and XLR cables between DAC and F05 for comparement. By switching the input from RCA to XLR, the increasing of sound spaciousness is very noticable.  

The function of XLR REC out is also perfect for my using of headphone amp.   My DAC ( North Star Supremo DAC) delivers RCA and XLR signals simultaneously.  I used to connect XLR to the headphone amp and RCA to pre-amp.  Now I can use XLR cables for both speaker and headphone system.  It seems e-470 has only RCA for REC out? This adds one more benifit for my choosing of F-05.
Hello greginnh,
I consider replaced my Lux 590MKII becouse of speakers (Thiel 3.6 - hard to drive)Lux are very nice colours but a little lack of dynamics.
Can you confirm that F05 is more dynamic and "alive" than Lux? And how about opinion that Esoteric sond is clinic and not musical?


I owned a Luxman L-590AX for a couple of years.  It is a great integrated amp.  Nothing like the sweet Class A sound!  I owned a few amps since that time so my opinion may not be spot on. The F05 is probably more dynamic than the Lux and maybe more alive but they both have different sonic characteristics.  I was very pleased with my F05 but "bit the bullet" and purchased an Accuphase E-600 which gives me the best of all worlds.  If my budget was <$10,000, I would definitely consider the F04 again.   The Thiels can be a bit of a challenge so synergy is important.  In-home trial would be a must IMO.