Pass Labs

$85.000 & 65.000 Amps  The extreme high gone nuts

Damn, I just hit the lottery....

Now I need to decide between Boulder 3050 and Pass Labs Xs300.

Please help me decide!

So you ask what's the rest of my system and size of my listening room. Who cares!

Post removed 
That is because of the huge numbers killed by Stalin and Hitler in their massacres. If memory serves Stalin alone killed 30 million (average of estimates). Official estimate of total civilian deaths alone in WW II is 50-55 million. China alone reported 20 million deaths. If you throw in war related disease and famine the estimates get up around 80 million.
It’s always been astonishing to me how Joseph Stalin gets a pass (relatively speaking) historically. He and Mao tse tung (China) were diabolical communist totalitarian mass murders of the first degree. Geoff your figures are correct, utterly atrocious.