Aurender N100H or Auralic Aries?

Thought I would seek the opinion of everyone here. If you had to choose between these two units, which one would you choose? Please don’t offer suggestions for a myriad of alternatives I am interested in feedback on these two pieces of equipment. (Sorry, sit on your hands MicroRendu owners).
Auralic! I compared both and I liked the Aries better and purchased it. I think the cache in the aurender is a gimmick. You don't need a cache that big unless you want to store hundreds of albums which is unrealistic. 
Plus with the Aries, I used both the ds lightning and the lumin iPad software to control my music.
the Aries has 4G of cache which is enough to hold 6 or more cds.
Aurrender 100h  for one you gave a class leading 120 Gig solid state buffer 
No other has one even close at this price point , as well as a 2 Terabyte internal hard drive.  Meaning you can  put in Q for example 40 cds at a time on the 
120Gig AS buffer ,No moving parts ,No spinning No noise,also 
The Conductor app is very organized and allows you to update 
Even help if you have a problem your system can be checked remotely. 
It is built very heavy duty the -  100H is 3x heavier metal not plastic.
Thanks for all the comparisons, that really helps. I will be purchasing either one sight unseen so any information is good information.
Hi Tom (falconquest),

I am set to make an immediate purchase decision on the Auralic Aries or the Aurender N100H. Which way did you go?

I picked up a slightly used N100H from a guy upgrading to a W20. It is everything stated here in this thread. I'm very pleased with the sound with Tidal and the interface is simple. I can certainly recommend it.