What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??

I am curious what speaker cables made a big "jaw dropping difference" in the sound quality of your current speakers.  What most impressed you about the difference;  that is, overall musicality, tighter, deeper bass, midrange clarity and soundstage depth, etc.etc. 

Keep the price of the speaker cables chosen or auditioned at  between $800- $1000 or  from  $1000-$1500. Was the cable bought new or used??

  Thank you,   SJ

For me, the Straight Wire Pro Special SC speaker cables in bi-wire configuration is a great match for my speakers (vintage Von Schweikert VR-5 HSE), setup and room.  I believe they run about $10 a foot nowadays, which isn't bad.  I also use Straight Wire Solo interconnects which made a HUGE improvement over the previous interconnects I had used, including the stock interconnects included with the Camak connectors that came with my used vintage Mark Levinson ML-9 amp at Saturday Audio Exchange several years ago.  
You can view my system here:


And you can also view my review of the Straight Wire Pro Special SC speaker cables here:



Tellurium Q Ultra Black speaker cables and jumpers ,the impact was huge took my system to a completely differnt leauge. 
Perfectpathtech - thanks. I was leaning heavily towards Rio grande anyway, so thanks for pushing me the rest of the way..

Imma order the wire this week, I think.
A bit outside the parameters you layed out regarding price points. But for me so far it's been nordost. .just finished doing a demo of TYR 2 power and speaker cables..didn't realize how much of the music I've been missing.has me curious to hear Valhalla or odin.