Multi channel preamps

Any recomendations for multi channel preamps?
Audio Refinement Pre5 (no longer in production) is basically what I'm talking about. Just a preamp with 5.1 in/out. Parasound had a prototype of a similar product that never made it to production.

Minimalist surround sound.

Thanks for any and all responses!

Have you heard either of these? If so, how do they stack up to the Bel Canto?

Copland makes a 6-channel all-analog tubed preamp, model CVA 306, that retails for $2800. C-j's new one, also tubed, the MET1, retails for $7500, and Harry Pearson in 'The Absolute Sound' just gave it a rave preview.

I sure like the sound of my Audio Refinements Pre 5, in which I've upgraded the coupling and PS caps, but I sure have the hots for that c-j!
What TAS issue are you referring to?
I'm interested in that preamp myself, and I talked briefly with Mr.Johnson at CES about it, but it wasn't playing at the time.
BTW, I have McIntosh C-45 in my system.
TAS issue 160, March, 2006, HP's Workshop, part II, Equipment Notes, page 106. I quote partially: " brings something to my Super Maggie/Meitner system that had been missing. ... With the MET1 in the system, the flesh of the sound, the overtones that enrich the harmonic structure of music, fills out." Previously he talked about the Meitner doing well at presenting the bones of the music without much flesh on them. You need to read it yourself to hope to understand Harry's analogy.

I'm saving my pennies...750,000, that is. Shouldn't take more than, say, 10 years. :-)

But I still really like the sound of my Audio Refinements Pre 5; you should look for one used.