Looking for a new cartridge- Dynavector Karat 17D3 or Sumiko Blackbird

I just bought a new VPI Prime. I’m looking to make a splash with a new cartridge. I want a MC-Low output cart.

I listen to rock, blues, and some jazz. My budget would be under 1500.00 Would the above carts be a good choice? If not what would?

Thanks in advance.
I have to say that I agree with sfall, the Shelter 501 is my all time favorite cartridge unless you are willing to spend the big bucks for a XYZ Universe or Dynavector DRT XV1s. I also have a Prime and had the Shelter 501, Dynavector 17D, a Lyra Dorian and a Dynavector 20 low output all at the same time, kept the Shelter 501. Also there is a guy, 2juki on EBay that sells the Shelters for a very good price, also check him out for a Shelter 901 series1 which is an end of the road cart for many. Good luck and enjoy your Prime.

I'm planning on adding the Pass X15  phono preamp which has suitable gain for a low output MC cart. Matching a cart with a turntable/arm and a phono pre can be very confusing with all the different dynamics involved. Thanks for all the responses. I'm leaning towards the Sumiko LO Blackbird...but actually finding out their not as available as the HO Blackbirds. Any idea where their available? Although I'm still open to ideas.
@krelldog .......Unless their websites are wrong, the following vendors all sell the LO Blackbird: Music Direct, Audio Advisor, Needle Doctor.