Pass Labs

$85.000 & 65.000 Amps  The extreme high gone nuts
In terms of results, sometimes there is and sometimes there isn’t.
In any case , in a mass society the marketers are far more important
then the market . 
I have never climbed a golden stair case nor have I ever, or will I ever audition a $80,000 dollar amp or $100,000 set of speakers. I can say though, that I have (after many hours of listening and comparing and within the limits of my budget) a system that sounds very nice in my environment playing the kinds of music I enjoy. It's a pleasure to know there are still a few very good US, Canadian and European companies that still produce some very fine, equipment at a reasonable cost and maintain a high level of customer service for us common folk.

Jim I agree it's up to us the consumer to determine individual comfort/budget levels. Too expensive for one is a screaming bargain for another. Know thy self.


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"There is little to no market, for the average audiophile (affordable for someone making $65k)."

What? I make well in excess of $65k, but with my household and familial obligations, that is far from affordable to me.