Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!
I saw a Nobsound TPA3116 mini power amplifier for $40, so I figured, "Just how bad could that be?" and along with a 24-volt PS for another $10, I was surprised how GOOD the little box sounded, when hooked to my Large Advent Loudspeakers (circa 1975, new foam rings in 1990).

I tested the set-up with a broad range of musical types-- Jazz Classical, Rock, Live Rock, and I was impressed for a $50 Class-D chip amplifier.

Then I plugged the harman/kardon 330i back into the system, and there was no fair comparison.

My conclusion was the Nobsound (which I might add can be bought from another vendor for as little as $25) would be just fine for the garage, or a workshop, with a pair of small speakers. At that price point it was acceptable, listen-able, and surprisingly small. At 90% efficiency, the power draw for the wall-wort would be negligible. 

No sense in trying to compare it to some high-end exploitations of the Texas Instrument chip, but in the right circumstance it wasn't THAT Bad.

Unfortunately, folks like to make blanket statements like "Class-D is inferior"... but that is the same as saying "I like Limes but not cherries"...

I see that Professionals have embraced Class-D in PA systems, and some high-end applications are very good. If this technology is like other aspects of progress, in 5-years we will marvel at what amplifiers might look and sound like.

Anyway, as the "Computer Audiophile on the Cheap" -- I gave the Nobsound a fair trial, and deemed it to be just fine, if we are NOT talking about Audiophile listening.

I admit, being unable to best a 1980s era radio receiver is a very tall standard to eclipse, but I didn't want to send it back for a refund, so I will find it a home...maybe hot-wired to my 24-volt power wheelchair, a pair of cheap speakers, and an MP3 player. I can sound as 'Bad' as the folks with external speakers on the cars with huge rims...

I bet the NuPrime/Amphion combo is excellent. I'm a month in with my IDA16 and I love it. I'm using it with Bowers and Wlikins 683 S2s. With the sound I'm getting I have to believe the DAC in it is outstanding as well. Yeah, the feel of the buttons on the remote and the front panel are lacking a bit but they work very well. The volume control on the IDA-16 is fantastic, it tracks beautifully.

I agree with you. There is nothing fatiguing about it . It is refined and powerful.


First time Forum responder...aged audio dude...amps along the path include modded Electrocompaniet Ampliwire II (1980's start of good sand amps) ...modded Moscode 300...Muse 160 and now the direct digital NAD M2 integrated ($6K) with full Marigo dot treatment and fuse upgrade.  Small room with Salk Veracity HT1's (sealed for added detail) & a pair of Paradigm Ultracube 10 v.2 sub woofers, also Marigo dotted.  I was raised in a household of live music, nearby cousins becoming professional musicians.  My musical "truth" is instruments and vocals sounding as they do in real life, without amplification.  In a hi fi, it begins with good electricity..good grounding and dedicated lines with good outlets.  I've been exposed to uber systems, including Volti Audio, better new Marigos, large Kings, Emerald Physics, Tannoys... plus.  The NAD M2 simply BRINGS IT! with refinement, depth, stage, air and full slam of the expensive stuff.  Without the Marigo dot treatments, things were a little bit "hi-fi" sounding, a bit dry accompanied by that detachment that can happen with digital sources.  My audio niche is finding great stuff on a reasonable budget, and making it come more alive with ancillary upgrades.  I have several audio buddies who have gone from excellent tube and SS amps to versions of the NCore amps without looking back.  The time is here.  Pinthrift
Hi @Pinthrift,

Welcome. So the M2 is NAD’s integrated with DAC.

Listen, I’m curious how did you find the DAC? Did you feel it needed a lot of break in?

NAD is claiming a lot of exclusives, but I have to say, the output vs. impedance curves look just like a B&O ICEpower design. Possibley using ICEedge?


Can anybody list very affordable great sounding Class D amps - say below $2,000 for a stereo pair, and better or comparable SQ to a Sunfire amp?