Vac 200 IQ vs Ayon orthosII

My amp died and now I get to upgrade.  Looking at the Vac 200IQ which is made locally in Florida vs the Ayon orthos II.  Both seem to be popular and well respected companies.  I will have a chance to audition the Vac in Sarasota, but not the Ayons.  Any thoughts?


if you are really into electric guitar and bass-driven music, seek out solid-state amp(s). Pass Labs is the best at this juncture.

Happy Listening!

Jafant makes a very good point about particular music genre preferences. Electronica , Hip hop, pop and rock, actually any music emphasizing electronic bass may with certain speakers be better served with high current transistor amplifiers.

Ideally a comparison of the Ayon Ortho, ARC REF 250 and the big Pass Labs amplifier driving the Vandersteen Quattro would effectively sort this out. I’m generally speaking a tube guy but in some circumstances solid state is the better suited option. Sometimes SS amps with low output impedance (thus higher damping factor) are the solution. This can be manipulated by altering the amount of NFB (negative feedback) in the circuit. Increasing the level of NFB  will decrease the output impedance of the amplifier. 
I'm not sure what tabs were used but the stock KT 88's were in place.  I did discuss a trial with KT 150's.  I'll be back in a few weeks and ask the dealer to roll the 150's.  Tomorrow I'm auditioning  a local ARC GS 150 with a vinyl set up so I should have a good comparison using my vinyl standards.  Unfortunately I wont have the Vandys at this dealership.  Jafant must have sensed my tendencies-love guitar.  The SS killed Al Dimeola's Alien chase on Arabian desert as well as the finger style Silent story in her eyes. Again, many thanks to all for joining me on this journey.
Compared to all other tube amps, I found the VAC 200 IQ to be the most balanced and have exceptional realism and punch when needed.  It may be that tubes are not your thing - especially if you're looking for a tighter and more pronounced bass, which is the hallmark of great solid state.  The other sonic qualities, I feel the VAC gives you and then some.  Trying different speaker taps on the back of the VAC (don't go by speaker specs but by trial and error) and rolling the KT150s are all good suggestions.  If the VAC doesn't then give you that bass punch you are looking for, I would definitely go solid state.  Don't think any other tube amp will give it to imho.  Keep us posted!
HEY ortho --

I'm curious about how your amp died. Mine likewise, the wonderful VAC  Phi 300.1a - suddenly two tubes refused to bias, and the blue light wouldn't extinguish while their plates started to glow orange.  I'm hoping it can be repaired.
