I fully understand different amps using the same output devices can and will sound different, even when from the same maker.
I´ve obviously not heard all Mosfet output amps but the ones I´ve listened to extensively (mainly from Pass, Class A and class AB) although enjoyable, striked me as colored. Not to knock Pass (my pre is the fabulous XP20 and their customer service is fantastic, as also is Parasounds.).
Bipolars can seem less liquid but their control over the bass drivers on my Dynaudio C4s is a welcome asset presenting the music as an organic, integrel & coherent event and the lack of this control results in overbearing, undefined and out of control low frequencies.
Funny you should mention the Dreadnaught as this was on my short list before settling on the JC1s. I was actually after the Citadels at the time but could not afford them. As far as biamping with the Dreadnaught, not possible due to the Dyns having only one set of posts.
Thanks for your input.
I fully understand different amps using the same output devices can and will sound different, even when from the same maker.
I´ve obviously not heard all Mosfet output amps but the ones I´ve listened to extensively (mainly from Pass, Class A and class AB) although enjoyable, striked me as colored. Not to knock Pass (my pre is the fabulous XP20 and their customer service is fantastic, as also is Parasounds.).
Bipolars can seem less liquid but their control over the bass drivers on my Dynaudio C4s is a welcome asset presenting the music as an organic, integrel & coherent event and the lack of this control results in overbearing, undefined and out of control low frequencies.
Funny you should mention the Dreadnaught as this was on my short list before settling on the JC1s. I was actually after the Citadels at the time but could not afford them. As far as biamping with the Dreadnaught, not possible due to the Dyns having only one set of posts.
Thanks for your input.