Looking to upgrade my towers

Hey there, so I'd like everyone's opinion here. I currently have mirage os3fs towers for my mains but they aren't really impressive with the sound they deliver. Music wise they don't sound very good at all in my opinion. So I've been looking at some different less costly options. Either some used psb silver I's or some used B&W DM603's. These would be for both music and movies. But I think a huge step up either way. What do you think? 

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Bob and everybody else who's weighed in on this, thanks for the numerous new options and things to think about with my future purchase. With a little luck and alot of money I might just find something that I'm happy listening to. Take care everyone, maybe I'll update when I've made my decision. Thanks
Sorry to be so late in chiming in; seems nothing has been mentioned about your general set up. What is the size of your audio/video room? How far from the forward wall are the tower/front surround speakers, how far from the side walls, how far apart and how far from the speakers is your viewing/listening area? These are all details that need to be addressed and tweaked in order to get the most out of any audi system. 
In my video system I have a set of a set PSB Stratus Goldis as my front surounds/stereo mains. When set up properly (at least 3' from front walls, 2' from side walls and 6' - 8' apart)  with good components and proper room treatments, they sound very good. In my video room, because of room and wife restrictions they can't be set up nearly so well and while they sound great in my surround sound video, in stereo audio mode they don't sound nearly as nice as they can. This system is ok for casual listening when streaming Pandora etc but for serious listening, I'm very lucky to have a separate and adequate space, available and set up just for audio.
The best speakers and components would sound disappointing if not properly set up. If your room and wife will permit, you may have to make some placement and set up adjustments to get the sound you're hoping  for
Best of luck,
Its a finished basement for the most part except for the floor. Just a remnant down in the middle. It measures 18x19 with 7' ceiling. I believe the fronts are 8-10' apart about 6" from the back wall and 5' or so from the side walls. They just can't do what's expected of them. Time to upgrade and whether or not i did i will soon find out. If the original set I was set to buy didn't fall through theres no doubt it would have been a major improvement. Time will tell and I know I'll be trading these in soon enough once things steady out and allow money to go towards that. Thanks
Thanks for the info, it looks like you've got plenty of room to experiment with your set up and the placement you have now should be a good place to start with whatever upgraded speaker you're considering.
Best of luck with your with your project.
Happy listening,