Need help ...

My gear is : Pass labs x350.8 + preamps McIntosh c50 + Wilson Sophia 3 + oppo105d  
Do I missed anything or need any adjustment in my gear that help my gear will be the best match possible as your suggestions  
thank you 
this is my first gear 
Agree with Mward.  It's excellent equipment.  How does it sound to you?  If you like it, try not to obsess over whether it could be better and just enjoy it.
I agree with the two above comments, your equipment is very good.
Out of curiosity, what interconnects, speaker cables and power cords are you using?
I think you can squeeze a better sound from your system by using a better source component. Oppo is a good piece but a better transport combined with a quality DAC should be a noticeable improvement. This is of course a pure conjecture on my part since I don't have direct experience with your system.