I'm selling speakers for the first time and concerned about fraud

I've received an offer on my Klipsch P-17b speakers from a buyer with zero feedback. I also have zero feedback. I'm just concerned about getting screwed somehow. Can anyone give me advice?

Why don't you ask this person if he/she has feedback on some other site , and if so see what it states; otherewwise, given the degree of discomfort you have just do a local sale with cash required at delivery as someone else suggested. I've never experienced a problem buying or selling to folks on this site, and in fact haver shipped items simultaneous to them sending payment; but that's just my experience and me.
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If, and it's a big if, you can get a local buyer, have them meet you at the local police station for the handoff.  I buy and sell wine regularly and unless I know the person that's what I do.  Scares off any potential dirtbags in a hurry.
My first transaction was selling a Camelot Technologies Lancelot Pro phono preamp. The gentleman was a Dr. of Opthamology. (eye surgeon) He too, was cautious about a transaction with me since I had no feedback at the time. I assumed the responsibility  of sending him the phono preamp with no payment of any kind. Telling him that once he received it, and checked it out to be not DOA, he would send me my money. Fortunate for me he was the person he said he was, and sent me a postal money order. I guess I should look at myself as being quite lucky in that transaction.
You have a point worth considering. The seller and buyer should communicate. A quick phone call can reveal much about a person. If you still feel unsure, then cancel the deal.