Power cable

I’m going to start replacing my power cords. Any recommendations where to start? I’m on a budget so I’ll need to purchase one at a time. I just purchased a Transparent Premium Powerlink as a start. Thoughts on the most critical area to put it. Should it be placed powering my Levinson amp? Initially I thought either it could per the amp or preamp or dac etc. This when I started thinking and realized i have a Furman Elite 15 power conditioner. My Proceed AVP 2 preamp, Ayre Codex DAC and Bluesound Vault are all plugged into it. The only thing, it has an attached power cord. If that cord was replaced with a quality cord, does this eliminate purchasing separate higher end cords for each piece? Is there a way to do this?  Looking to be as economical as possible without sacrificing sound quality.
I don't think plugging the Furman into another PC (even if higher quality) would reap much benefit. The best way to upgrade the power delivery is to convert the Elite 15 to an IEC input so it could use a detachable power cord. There is a member here who's done this.

My advice is to upgrade all component PC's and use the Furman as is. As your system grows, you may want to upgrade your conditioner, or use separate conditioners for analogue and digital.
I've played around changing the power cables on the Codex with both cheap and expensive cables.  All changed the sound, not in a good way.  I'm back to using the stock cable, it sounds the best in my opinion. I spoke with Alex at Ayre a while back about this topic, he said that the Codex was specifically voiced with the stock cable and did not recommend changing it. I agree.  Good luck!
I guess it's all system dependent, and also not all power cords are good for Codex.  I tried the $4,000 MasterBuilt Power cord on Codex, and it didn't sound better than the Voodoo Platinum Dragon ($800).  The Voodoo Platinum Dragon was designed specifically for source component, so that may have been the reason.  The MasterBuilt PC sounds best on my Plinius integrated amp.  It took my system sound to the next level.
Speaking of upgrading power cables, a dedicated AC line to the circuit box is very beneficial. Are you able to do this in your house or apartment?