why would you want something in your system that shows everything how bad it is?
Ah, I see what you are saying @kclone - let us say you are sitting there listening to a wonderful recording on your GCs and really enjoying the music. Then you flip to another album and you say to yourself, "Oh, compared to the last album, this recording isn’t all that great!" whereas with lesser cables, you would not have noticed a difference.
The GCs will elevate your listening experience and will reveal more of the sound that you've likely been missing. Great albums will amaze you, ok albums will be just that, "Ok."
Anyone experienced the difference between the Silver Splash and the Copper Splash?
I have compared the Copper to the Silver Splash cables @jmcgrogan2 and they are very similar; I find the Silver gives you a little more definition. For example, if the artist is singing and using plosives like say the word "Play," the copper will give you all the definition, the silver just allows the sound to have more definition. I think of it as *seeing* the shaping of the plosive "P," coming from the singer’s mouth. If you have fast speakers, the subtlety is amazing. I love the sound of the copper but may be switching to the silvers - Taras and I did an A to B test last Friday and drew the above conclusion.