Why So Many Raidho D3's ?

Why are there so many Raidho D3's for sale?


it's even larger number of hits when you search "why so many blablabla's for sale"

To your attention, I haven't seen any Raidho speakers on craigslist so I believe not too many are for sale.

roxy54 is correct ... there was another thread on (almost) exactly the same topic, hgope there is no suspicious agenda going on here ... maybe not.

I've had Missions (when I was in UK), Quads (forgot model) then Wilson Alexia then I settled on Raidho. Did so simply on the sound. Wilson's make terrific first impressions but (to me at least) this diminished after a while - they were too "bombastic" for my taste.
Heard Raidho at Axpona ... got curious and, well, now a happy owner (no link to firm, no hidden agenda, just an honest happy customer) ... although I have since beefed-up the bottom-end with a Wilson Benesch Torus ... but I'm still breaking these in, hope this combo works ...

My statement on change was made biting my lip, I really do not like change for the sake of it. I'm very conservative (small "c") - but change is a constant .... sadly
In the right room Raidho's are very, very good. My friend has Raidho's C3.1 and I love the way they sound. He's room is relatively small and he doesn't listen very loud.