Would a Lamm ll2.1 deluxe slay a Parasound JC2?


I have been thinking of adding a tube preamp to my chain to get a little more body and feel to the music. 

I currently have a Parasound JC2 which is detailed and dynamic. Very good really. But I may have trade and cash opportunity for a Lamm ll2.1 deluxe. It would be going into a new Bryston Cubed power amp. 

I havent heard a Lamm. Would it be a much better piece? Worthy of trying to work a deal?

Yeah...i need the freaking exercise. 
Thought id really want a remote but in practical terms its no biggie really. 

lewinski..can you comment on what you thought the LL2 brought to your system?
I had a McIntosh MC275 with a Rotel preamp. The Lamm was an improvement across the board, which was not surprising given the price difference. In my case even the bass seemed deeper, let alone the midrange improvement. It was way more spacious.

I also purchased directly from Lamm. They have always been very good to deal with.

At the time I carefully studied some reviews by Mark Michaelson  (spelling?) on Soundstage about preamp in that price range. I thought valuable comparisons.

I have never looked back. Thought it wold  e a pie e to never leave my home. But I'm parting with it after deciding for a overall change in system approach. It will remain my last pretty, though ☺
Used ones are rarely up for sale/resale so guaging pricing is tough. 

Thoughts anyone?