Is This Sub Powerful Enough For This Room?

I will be receiving my Velodyne DD-18 sub next week. I see a lot of people here using 2 subs. The Sub will be for home theater only. The sub has the room-correcting software and all that latest stuff.

I will be running a pair of Infinity Kappa 9 speakers full range for the rears. I will be using a pair of Infinity Kappa 7 speakers laid horizontally for the center channel.

My front speakers will be a set of Infinity IRS Beta.

Powering the front speakers will be two pair of Pass Labs X-600 monoblocs. Powering the rears and center channels will be Carver Silver 9t monoblocs for each speaker.

My processor is a Sunfire Theater Grand II.

The room is 70 ft long and 22 ft wide with a 20 foot ceiling. The speakers will be positioned on the long wall.

The front speakers have a total of eight 12" woofers and the rears have two 12" woofers each.

I have run a home theater setup in the past with the Kappa 9's as the front speakers and the Kappa 7 as the rears and no sub in this same room with good results. However in the past, I'd always feared the for the health of my woofers with the onlslaught of bass that some movies have and I don't want to submit my Betas to that kind of stress.

I'm wondering if the DD-18 has the testicular fortitude to provide enough bass for a room this size.

Click on this link to MyRoom
see my room. Click "slideshow" to view the photos.

Why do you have the speakers so close to the wall? I would think they need to be several feet out to really open up.
Narrod.....These photos are so that you can see the room in order for you to comment on the subwoofer siutation.

The speakers that you see in the photos will be used as the rear speakers for my HT setup. My new speakers will arrive this week and I'll be sure to move them out from the walls the correct distances. The racks and components will not be placed as you see them in the photos....a 9' x 12' roll-up screen will be there instead. All components will be placed on low profile amp stands....the top of all components will be no more than 15" off the floor. The the turntable will be several feet to the right of the right front speaker.
Hey Mitch, if any sub has the 'nads for a room like that it would be the DD18, but as you fear you may find that operating with just one nutsack isn't enough and two huevos grandes will work better in that gi-normous room.

Set up the DD18 when you get it and see if it's got enough sperm count for your HT system. If not, it may be time to go with the double hairy beanbag approach.

"The first rule of government spending; why build one when you can build two at twice the price?"
- S.R. Hadden