Primare A32 front panel-rapidly flashing standby indicator light

Anyone own or owned a Primare A32 power amp and had problems with the front panel standby indicator flashing rapidly?  Over the last few months I've had to manipulate the rear left speaker cable inputs to hear sound out of the left speaker each time I turned it on.  But the unit always powered up and eventually played beautifully.  Now I get nothing.  I've disconnected and then reconnected the power cord, the XLR cables from the preamp, and both speaker cables.  The fuse is in good shape.  But the standby indicator still flashes when I try to power it up. A designer flaw I've found is that the front panel is attached by 6 tiny screws (2 on top, 1 on lower L & R side, & 2 underneath).  For such a massive unit one would think the designers could've used sturdier screws.  The top right screw broke a while back and may have left a fragment in the screw hole (hard to tell it's so small).  The front panel now has a little wiggle room which may be causing some wiring hit and miss inside though I can't see how.  I've never pushed or pulled on the front plate after the unit was set up and it's played many months without problems.  I researched online and found Audio Elite Technician LLC in Lakebay WA.  The website says they offer factory authorized service for Primare gear (along with McIntosh gear).  Anybody ever dealt with these guys?  The A32 weighs 88 pounds and I'm not fond of trying to ship it out of state.  Should I try a local repair shop first?  I really love my system's sound and want the A32 back in the game so I can again lose myself in musical bliss.

our hobby can certainly welcome more Ladies like yourself.

Happy Listening!
Thanks for the warm reception. The last mechanical tinkering I did was when I was around 8 years old. I'd gotten a portable reel to reel for Christmas (giving my age away now).  I recorded my first song (self-written) and one day became curious how the thing worked.  I opened it up, and of course couldn't put it back together.  I've never tried to repair anything electronic since.  But with encouragement from everyone who replied to my inquiry, I opened up my amp and thank God it was a simple fix.  I've always loved music.  I had a transistor radio back in the day and got my first "record player" when I was 12.  It had a lid & handle making it portable; and of course the metal spindle & arm that allowed 4 or 5 records to be stacked on it.  When the prior record finished playing another would drop and play. With it I got a 45 record from the soundtrack "My Fair Lady" with "Get Me to the Church On Time" and "On the Street Where You Live."  Somewhere along life's way I lost them both. But I still have the LP Vinyl of "Merry Christmas the Supremes" that I also got that Christmas and there are no scratches (well, none that skip)! It's still one of my favorite Christmas albums and I listen to it year round.  How did you guys get into this hobby?
OK mewsickbuff, I am a few steps behind you.

I received my star bits and the T8 worked fine. Opened her up and found, drum roll please, a blown fuse!

The only difference is that my fuses are marked T6.3AL250V. I am baffled by this, as these appear to be slow blow types. That doesn't make sense.

I am sending off a message to our Primare friends to get the scoop. Sure I can replace these with the same number but I want to be super sure. Maybe the previous owner put these in.

I checked two of the four  fuses and they are both T6.3AL250V.

I will keep everybody updated.
The plot thickens.

I took all four fuses out and they are T6.3AL250V.

However, on the board where the fuse mounts are, the marking "F6.3 AL" appear. I would say that at some time somebody incorrectly replaced these fuses with slow blow.

Let's see what Vana says. It seems to me that it could not hurt to put in the fast blow. The only negative would be that it would blow too quickly.