Power cable

I’m going to start replacing my power cords. Any recommendations where to start? I’m on a budget so I’ll need to purchase one at a time. I just purchased a Transparent Premium Powerlink as a start. Thoughts on the most critical area to put it. Should it be placed powering my Levinson amp? Initially I thought either it could per the amp or preamp or dac etc. This when I started thinking and realized i have a Furman Elite 15 power conditioner. My Proceed AVP 2 preamp, Ayre Codex DAC and Bluesound Vault are all plugged into it. The only thing, it has an attached power cord. If that cord was replaced with a quality cord, does this eliminate purchasing separate higher end cords for each piece? Is there a way to do this?  Looking to be as economical as possible without sacrificing sound quality.
@lowrider57 I've had a few of my posts removed recently and I can't for the life of me figure out why.. 

Drunken moderators? :-P
Cullen cables he makes them by hand at great price points they are well made and make a difference and he can make them any length you want you should google him and read it might be what you are looking for
**dealer disclaimer**
Purist Audio Design AC cables are incredible. Check out the Musaeus AC cable. Amazing improvement and affordable. Happy listening. :-)
Since you are looking for a value cable, I'll suggest The Super Stroke @$129 for a 2 Meter length, nice connectors and in my system compares easily with other $200 to $800 cables, comes with a money back offer,  https://www.corepowertechnologies.com/home