Slight hum in my amp. Is this normal?

I have an Anthem A5 and when I turn it on there is a slight "hum" if you put your ear close to it. From 3 feet away it’s unnoticeable. It's in the amp, not in the speakers.
Is this normal?
I would not say it is "normal" but it is pretty common.  Both my Acurus amps emit a slight hum that is only audible at close distances.  Most likely transformer hum(vibrations) in the majority of cases.

Having spoken to a couple of manufacturers about their amps it seems that the use of low or zero negative feedback can leave an amp vulnerable to slight hum. 
Use a balanced power source and it'll go away.  A Furman, Euqitec, Tourous etc.  

Good Listening

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I bought a now discontinued PS Audio Humbuster III to solve that issue and it did. Those things show up for sale here and there and something like that should be made by somebody else, but I’m not sure if that exists. Maybe as part of a good power conditioner.