VPI Analogue Drive System

I'm considering getting the VPI Analogue Drive System for my Scoutmaster Signature turntable with JMW-9 tonearm.  What is your opinion especially as to sound improvement?
All the "speed control" fanatics are completely missing the point and the REAL issue.  Speed control is NOT the issue.  It is VOLTAGE control.  At wall voltages, the motor will generate pulses that are carried to the table through the belt (or drive).  Reducing the voltage will reduce the magnitude of the pulses and fix the noise issue.  THAT is the reason to get one of these units.  A variostat will do the job at a fraction of the price of a "speed control."  Start the table at full voltage then reduce to 70 volts or so when it's time to drop the needle.
Doesn't my SDS that drives my turntable do what the ADS does??  What's the difference - is one better than the other, etc.
stringreen, Having compared the SDS to the ADS with a friends Classic 3 signature. One thing the ADA absolutely did was wipe out noise that I didn't really notice until we switched it in. It's an immediate  and noticeable improvement with his table. He purchased it on that alone, not sure what the sonic improvements are, I'll ask now that he has had more time to compare the two units.  
Thanks tom....  I just listened again to mine, and find it dead silent....I guess I have to get one to test out in my system