I'm a bit late to this game/thread, but thought I'd toss out a name that is seldom mentioned in the amp space: Linn. I recently went from a Mac MC303 (3 channel 300W/ch) to a set of Linn Klimax Solos (driving B&W 802D2s and an HTM2 center). Not only do the Solos run amazingly cool (I could cook steak for 6 on the Mac), but my 802Ds suddenly came alive in every respect. The difference was immediate and astonishing -- clarity, soundstage, depth -- without so much as a burn-in period. I actually started a thread some time ago wondering why no one ever mentions Linn Solos in a thread like this, and not surprisingly got two responses. I haven't A/Bed them with other speakers (or against any other amps), so take it for what it's worth. But I've also never seen a listening review of the Solos that was less than glowing.