Dog Proof Speaker Stands For Harbeth SHL5Plus Speakers

I have a new Lab puppy that is going to grow up fast and im worried about a speaker being knocked off its stand. Blu Tack doesn’t seem to be recommended and i would also prefer something more secure.

I have thought about building stands the speakers would fit down into or attaching corner pieces to the stand so they could not tip. Im sure it will not look great.

My next thought is using the bottom screws on the front and back plates. I would attach fish line and run it under the stand from front to back. Of course i would be worried about the line rubbing on the speakers so i would need to put something under those areas. The stand would have weight on the bottom and possibly screwed to the floor.

Any suggestions besides building a wall, getting a lap dog or should i try to find a Floor speaker that sounds like my Harbeth. Thanks
I used both Sound Anchors and Skylan stands for my Spendor SP-100s, and both are very stable.  I prefer the sound quality of the Sound Anchors though.
Resonant Woods stands are excellent with Harbeths.  Beautiful stands, very stable and sounds great to boot.  I would imagine that all of the stands, including Sound Anchors, Skylan, when your dog get big enough and bumps the stands hard, the speakers could fall.  Talk to Resonant Woods, maybe they can build you a custom solution.   

@nycjlee,dogs like toi
I'd be hesitant getting wooden stands. Dogs like to chew.

At least Sound Anchors are metal (thick steel). If you fill them with lead shot, they'd be almost unmovable.
i have dog proof speakers with over a foot of foot print Aerial 10t. swap to heavy floor standers and sell monitors or they may be on curb alert
Cinder blocks, draped with a fabric of your choice for the short term.  Work on training the dog, with the recommend chili pepper sprayed onto the fabric.

The first is quick, easy, and cheap....and temporary until you've got your fur baby convinced that knocking the speakers over is not acceptable. ;)  That will take time and patience....the second evaporates quickly if he/she doesn't 'get with the program' as fast as hoped....

Good luck, and enjoy your new friend.  Remember the puppy you train now will be the companion you have for the rest of your days together.  Make them happy for the both of you. *S*