Preamp - Ayre vs. Audio Research

If anyone has heard both the Audio Research Reference 6 and the Ayre KX-R Twenty preamp, please describe the differences in their sound.

I recently settled on a D'Agostino Momentum S-250 amplifier. I compared it to a pair of Ayre MX-R Twenties, and my report can be found on a thread called D'Agostino vs Ayre. 

Unfortunately, the Momentum preamp does not offer a line out option, and I want that for headphone amp operation. So, I am considering the AR or Ayre preamp options. Thoughts?
The only answer is that you have to listen for yourself to hear if that particular sound works for you.  Ayre and AR are my two favorites.  I chose Ayre (all my electronics are Ayre), but that's me....  I like the Guarneri over the Strad.....would be happy with either.
True. But sometimes its not easy to compare two specific components at a dealership without buying an airplane ticket. And sometimes you don't hear at a dealer what you hear at home. My strategy, of late, is to research and read reviews, then purchase attractive used or demo equipment I think I might love. Then give them a lengthy run in my home system. Then, if I don't love them, I can sell them and not get burned too badly.

I purchased an Audio Research Reference 6 this morning, slightly used with 330 hours. I will compare it to my Ayre KX-R Twenty preamp and report back, likely in about a month.
I look forward in reading about your review- imgoodwithtools-

you certainly own an interesting combo.  What other gear is in your system?

Happy Listening!