@shadorne "Yup. For example, the whole global warming scare has demonized CO2 from what it actually is - a totally harmless trace gas and extremely minor infra-red absorber of which projected increases will only help green the planet at an absolutely negligible change to temperature."
And yet what you say goes against the scientific consensus reached by the majority of climate researchers on the planet. The lack of understanding of scientific principles allows views such as yours on climate change to propagate. Unless, of course, you have some super secret research. Those of us worried about climate change would much rather prefer not to. I’d love it if we were wrong..
And yet what you say goes against the scientific consensus reached by the majority of climate researchers on the planet. The lack of understanding of scientific principles allows views such as yours on climate change to propagate. Unless, of course, you have some super secret research. Those of us worried about climate change would much rather prefer not to. I’d love it if we were wrong..