Lamm LL2 Deluxe....

Assuming that this pre is in excellent condition, do you think $2500.00 if fair, or a little high since it is over 10 years old?
Seller says that there are only about 300 hours on it. Seems like very little for that amount of time, but he has good feedback and I have no reason to doubt. There are people who have multiple preamps and other things that I would drool over, who don't use them for one reason or another. I just wanted opinions on that price, assuming that it's nearly perfect as it seems to be. 
Maybe i bit high,but really it all depends on what others are willing to pay at any given time. I could have bought one 10 years ago for about 2500 and have been surprised that they haven't drifted down some since them.
Why I didn't buy then:  1) Out put was too high (for my set up); 2) No remote.

Actually, as of yesterday, the output is a concern for me too. I have one pair of speakers that are really efficient horns, and 2 others that are just average. The new version has a switch that lowers the output drastically, but it's way out of my price range. I don't care about the remote, and actually love the dual volume controls, as I have them on a different pre and use them as a balance control. 

I wonder how much of an issue the output would be. I can't turn up the volume much on my current pre, but it sounds good.