Shunyata Research's Denali 2000T ???

I've read reviews of Shunyata Research's Denali series (three of them).
Do any of you own one and share your impressions?

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agriculturist, thanks for the updates and I'm glad you are enjoying the emprovements!
All that matters is the final product; the music!
However Ozzy, I do know what you mean. When one looks inside of any product the guts usually don't look like they should add up to the sun total of the product.
I guess you mean the internals of the Anticables power cables (PCs)?  Perhaps you are right.  However, the PCs apparently have some special braiding or arrangement that works well at drawing noise out of components.  I can say that the PCs are detailed and full sounding with great bass.  But if you have dirty power coming out of the wall you will need to clean that up.

The Anticables ICs are intentionally kept very slim without any kind of elaborate or thick wrapping material so as to maximize the benefit of air as dielectric.  Also there is some method to the doubling of each of the left and right cables that is apparently very effective.  The silver and (presumably small amount of) gold in the ICs make them quite expensive to make and high value content-wise but I really haven't tried calculating the impact of that. 

Don't know much more than that.  The cables do sound good though.
The latest Stereophile has a piece on the Denalis. Says it beats the AQ Niagara line, which had beat out the previous Shunyata line.