The Best Surround "Ceiling" speaker out there?

I'm moving into a new house and I'm going to be missing a left wall for my left rear surround. That part of the room opens to the kitchen area. I've been wondering if putting both surrounds on the ceiling would do the trick for me...

can anyone advise?
Best ceiling surface mount (14') for L/R Surround speakers directly above listening area? Must be compatible with B&W 802's (for L/R)and B&W Center.
I have some Mirage in-ceiling speakers that extend out of the ceiling to give the omni-directional sound dispertion, which I love in surround mode. If you want a more direct speaker, maybe the Gallo A'divas or Micros. They both mount in the ceiling, but protrude...not sure if that workd for your needs.

trust me on this one
thiel powerpoints
the only ceiling speaker that sounded like music to me'

if it is a video based system get a cheaper pair